As an expecting mom, get all your doubts and fears on what to eat and what not to eat to have a healthy baby & healthy pregnancy weight gain that sheds after childbirth without much effort helping you regain your pre-pregnancy weight a
Did you know that a well-informed expecting mom goes through her labor relatively smoothly with a positive and happy childbirth experience? Why wait! join the 1-on-1 session to get tailor-made information just for you and be well-informed & a confident Mom-to-be
‘I thought breastfeeding was going to come naturally to me’ is a common statement said by most new moms soon after realising that it isn’t the case. Almost all moms need support and awareness to be able to have a successful breastfeeding journey. Join and learn all about Breastfeeding to become a PRO at it.
"Something great is about to happen"
-Winnie the Pooh